We make benefits easier.

Whether it is helping to manage the components of a comprehensive benefits plan or structuring a complex self-funded and population risk management platform, benecurv brings experience, competence and sophistication.

Through our mobile insurtech platform, we enhance traditional access, information and account support for your employees and their families.

The benecurv team has the expertise you need to help add value to your benefits and your business.

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We are changing the game in the customer support world. Those that are running an older playbook will be left behind.

Employers come to benecurv when they need experienced guidance around benefits design. They want deep advocacy for their employees and their families. They want to be sure that any State & Federal Compliance regulations are addressed proactively.

While the exercise of “shopping” benefits still occurs, the way those benefits are designed, valued, understood and supported has changed. Employees and their families want information quickly and they want problems solved just as fast. 

Enter benecurv.


A Few of Our Offerings


With a well-defined process built over years of experience, we work alongside employers and focus on the following areas within the employer-sponsored offerings:

  • Identify current risk within the plan or products
  • Understand risk and ways to reduce it
  • Manage current risk within the population and benefits compliance
  • Mitigate future risk by identifying eventual or avoidable categories and implementing the proper risk transfer strategies

This comprehensive methodology, fortified by years of experience, allows us to optimize employer-sponsored offerings for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.


With over 30+ years of experience in the insurance & employee benefits arena, our leadership team has held roles with insurance carriers, wellness & population health organizations, claims-paying third-party administrators, enrollment technology platforms and has built and executed successful full-service HR and employee benefits management organization. Regardless of employer size, we have the track record to support our deep analysis.Their cumulative expertise led to the successful establishment and execution of comprehensive, full-service HR and employee benefits management organizations.



We utilize robust technology starting with our CRM built on the Salesforce Platform – the #1 CRM in the market. Our in-depth knowledge of every moving part in benefits design, plan procurement and administration allows us to recommend the proper technology and connectivity to maximize the integration for HR and the overall benefits experience. Our deep understanding of predictive modeling, population health analytics and underwriting provide the transparency often missing in benefits plan management.


On-demand access to full benefit guide information, contacts, forms, apps and resources.


Connect on a mobile level with your employees. Enable them with interactive calendars, monthly news, company blogs, forms and more.


Use Push Messaging and in-app communications to convey timely and important information to employees.


Deliver easy access to wellness resources, telemedicine and cost-saving resources.

Install the benecurv app for free!

Register with Company Code: Demo to see a live demo.

Request a Demo

We are happy to schedule a walkthrough of our six-step process, our insurtech platform and review the employee/employer experience. Our goal is to demonstrate how benecurv will give HR back some of their valuable time.

A Unified Experience

An All-Inclusive Benefits Experience

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